
cybersecurity services

Cybersecurity Services

We at Web App For You perform all security checks and helps web application to be most secured with all required security implementation. know more about website security threat services.

Firewall Implementation

Firewalls control the flow of traffic across networks, functioning as security tools to manage connectivity and access to your web applications. We implement firewalls for your web application with custom rules TCP IP , PORT etc.

Web Encryption / SSL implementation

It is the standard technology that uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit. This aims to keep internet connections secure and safeguards any sensitive data that is shared between API's and web application.

API Encryption

To safeguard your data communication between API's. This encryption layer over your API's protect to data privacy. We use very strong encryption methods to secure your in-transit informational data between API's and other communications channel.

Vulnerability Testing

We perform full scan and test your application for any possible vulnerability for any attacker. We identify these gaps in your applications and helps you to provide with solutions to mitigate these risks.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection

Cross site scripting (XSS) is an attack in which an attacker injects malicious executable scripts into the code of a trusted application or website. These scripts can result in poor performance of web application and send your sensitive data to attacker. We create or restructure web app which are XSS protected.

CORS Implmentation

Web application with de-coupled architecture having Front-end and Back-end on different hosts are very much vulnerable to attacker where communication via API's could be tampered. We perform CORS implementation which only allows whitelisted origins.

API Protection

Most of the modern web application are built-up around web API's, security for these API's are very much required. We build API's with Authorization protected by using latest Auth standards such as Token based Auth (JWT) , Oauth 2.0 , session based etc. It protects API access from non authorized users.

SQL injection protection

Web applications developed or managed by Web App For You are fully protected to SQL injections. We several validation checks befor execution any query on to Database and ensures client data protection.